It is well known that if you quit smoking it will significantly improve your overall health–especially your lungs. But did you know that if you quit smoking you might also significantly improve your sleep? You can! There are an array of factors that influence how well you sleep each night, and smoking plays a major part in that. Here is how smoking can negatively affect your sleep as well as your overall health.

The negative effects of smoking

If you compare a smoker to a non-smoker, it has been shown that smokers are three times more likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is because smoking causes increased inflammation and fluid retention in the upper airway, which can further aggravate sleep apnea symptoms. 

Both smoking and sleep apnea are conditions that can severely shorten your lifespan when combined. They can also both cause cardiovascular and respiratory health problems. Because of this, it is so important for you to quit smoking while also seeking care for sleep apnea.

Quit smoking and seek treatment for sleep apnea

You can further protect yourself and improve your health by kicking the habit now. Don’t hesitate or wait a day longer. The sooner you quit smoking, the better you will feel and look. 

Additionally, beyond quitting smoking, it is important to seek treatment for sleep apnea. Smoking makes the swelling in your upper airway worse, which can further aggravate symptoms such as snoring and pauses in breathing (sleep apnea). 

Contact Dr. Mayoor Patel today to learn more about sleep apnea treatments and further guidance for quitting smoking.