A variety of risk factors can increase your chances of developing a neuropathic pain condition. With the underlying cause of many neuropathic pain conditions unknown, there still remains considerable uncertainty about what might increase the incidence of orofacial neuropathy. Let’s take a look at a few major orofacial neuropathic pain conditions.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Although a rare condition that is only seen in about 150 million people per year, women are more likely than men to suffer from trigeminal neuralgia. The disorder most often affects those over 50 years old. With a chance for a genetic link, it is evidenced that the condition runs in families and may be an inherited blood vessel formation prone to nerve compression.
Atypical Odontalgia
Little is known about the mechanisms with this condition because many patients may not have a cause identified. One study, however, displays patients suffering from phantom tooth pains, which suggests a connection between atypical odontalgia and migraine headaches and cluster headaches. For those with a personal and family history of idiopathic, or unknown headaches, had an increased likelihood of experiencing phantom tooth pain.
Oral Nerve Injury
An undesirable result of dental procedures, injury to the nerves running along the lower jaw is more likely to occur in individuals requiring procedures such as tooth extractions, local anesthetic or improper implant placement.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
It is thought that CRPS is more common in young women, but has been found to affect men and women of all ages. Little is known about the onset of CRPS and the underlying causes of the disorder, but it has been shown to lead to neuropathic pain.
By understanding these conditions, we can hopefully understand further groups that are at risk for neuropathic pain. Contact Craniofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Center of Georgia for more information on neuropathic pain.