Have you ever heard a “ringing” in your ears? If so, you might have experienced tinnitus at some point in your life. Tinnitus is often referred to as “ringing of the ears,” and can be one of the less common symptoms of TMJ disorders. Many patients who suffer from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) with coexisting tinnitus find that TMD therapy improves or resolves their tinnitus in conjunction with their TMD symptoms. With help from Dr. Mayoor Patel at Craniofacial Pain and Dental Sleep Center of Georgia, we can help you understand more about TMD and how it can affect tinnitus.
The Connection
There appears to be a close relationship between certain problems with the TMJ and tinnitus. Some scientific studies show that people with TMJ problems are more likely to suffer from tinnitus, while some individuals who have sustained an injury to their neck might also suffer from tinnitus. If you have TMJ problems or neck problems, you may find that you can alter the intensity of your tinnitus by moving your mouth, jaw, face and neck.
How Does TMD Relate to Tinnitus?
The chewing muscles are near some of the muscles that insert into the middle ear. This, in return, may have an effect on hearing, which promotes tinnitus. There is also a direct connection between the ligaments that attach to the jaw and one of the hearing bones that sits in the middle ear.
Through the nerve supply from the TMJ, a connection has been shown with the parts of the brain that are involved with both hearing and the interpretation of sound. The general discomfort associated with TMJ problems can also aggravate any pre-existing tinnitus. With the help of Dr. Patel, TMJ problems can be properly diagnosed through a consultation. There are currently a variety of treatments available to help improve TMD symptoms and even tinnitus symptoms.
By contacting Dr. Patel at Craniofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Center of Georgia, you can take the next step toward relief from your symptoms, and to learn more about tinnitus and its relationship with TMD.