As the years pass by, it seems that more and more people are wearing Apple Watches, FitBits and other wearable devices. A recent study by the University of California San Francisco and the health startup Cardiogram aims to provide details about how well you can use your Apple Watch to detect common health problems such as sleep apnea and hypertension.
The research that was found in this study was presented at the American Heart Association meeting in Anaheim. They revealed that the Apple Watch is capable of detecting sleep apnea with a 90 percent accuracy and hypertension with an 82 percent accuracy. This is in conjunction with the use of the Cardiogram app.
This is important research because it shows us how we can take our health into our own hands. It allows us to continuously screen for hypertension, especially when you might not realize you suffer from this condition. By receiving a notification, it can help you to take the next steps toward improved health simply by wearing a device you already wear on a regular basis.
While this technology continues to advance, we are excited to look toward the future of wearable devices for the maintenance of your health. Contact us at Craniofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Center of Georgia for more information on what you can do to take the next steps toward prevention of sleep apnea and hypertension.