There are a lot of complications associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Whether you have received a sleep apnea diagnosis, or you suspect you suffer from sleep apnea, be aware that it can increase your chances of developing two serious health complications following surgery: Blood clots and irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation). Before undergoing surgery, find out if you suffer from sleep disordered breathing. If you do, then you can seek proper treatment to boost your odds of a successful surgery and recovery.
What is obstructive sleep apnea?
If you suffer from OSA, you will experience repeated breathing disruptions during sleep. Some of the symptoms of sleep apnea include excessive daytime sleepiness, restless sleep and loud snoring. However, just because you snore does not necessarily mean you suffer from sleep apnea. This is where a proper sleep apnea diagnosis will come in handy.
These symptoms are followed by periods of silence and gasps during the night. With more than half of surgery patients suffering from sleep apnea and are unaware of it, the new study help to identify these patients before serious post-op complications occurred.
What are the post-op complications?
Patients who suffer from sleep apnea experience exposure to “mechanical stress.” This also leads to vascular inflammation and an increased risk for blood clots. Due to these changes, it could place patients undergoing open-heart surgery at an even higher risk for complications.
If you suspect you or a loved one might be suffering from sleep apnea, please contact us at Craniofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Center of Georgia. Together we can assess your symptoms and refer you to a sleep doctor for proper diagnosis.