If you are driving while drowsy, you are about eight times more likely to cause an accident, according to federal estimates. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety used in-vehicle camera footage of thousands of drivers who previously agreed to participate in the study. After reviewing all the information, the study found that motorists are falling asleep at the wheel more than you may realize.
More than 700 crashes were examined and in about 9.5 percent of them, drowsiness was a factor. It also played a major role in almost 11 percent of accidents that caused serious property damage.
Get some sleep
The AAA Foundation recommends getting at least seven hours of sleep a night before driving. While that sounds like a great idea, it isn’t always going to happen. In fact, about 35 percent of U.S. drivers actually sleep less than seven hours a night according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And if you sleep for just four or five hours, it can quadruple your risk for an accident.
Get treated for sleep apnea
Part of the issue is that many of us need to change our lifestyles to be able to sleep more, while others suffer from sleep apnea and don’t even realize it. Sleep apnea can make you feel sleepy enough to be a drowsy driver. Even if you stop the car and take a short nap, odds are you will still feel tired.
If you suffer from sleep apnea and are on the road, it can affect your senses that you commonly use to drive safely. It will often be difficult to focus your eyes, remain alert and to react quickly during various driving situations.
To combat this, it is important to seek treatment from your dentist in Atlanta, GA. At Craniofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Center of Georgia, we can help you find relief from your daytime drowsiness and improve your sleep with proper treatment. Contact us today to learn more.