We all want to get a better night’s sleep, but how can you do that if you suffer from sleep apnea? No matter what time of year it is or what your plans are, there are some tips you can keep in mind to sleep better at night. We have put together four tips to help you sleep better at night. Check them out.
Develop a nighttime routine
Your routine should include simple tasks such as brushing your teeth, taking a warm shower, listening to relaxing music, and reading a book. When you make this routine a habit and combine it with a set bedtime and wake-up time, your brain will begin to recognize this pattern as signals that it is time to relax and will release hormones to help you fall asleep when you get in bed.
Make your bedroom device free
As an adult, this may be harder to do, but it is a must for kids. Keeping your phone on the nightstand can keep you up all night. So, if you do this, try to make sure you don’t use it after starting your wind down routine. The light can affect how the brain prepares to fall asleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night, don’t pick up the phone or turn on the TV. Instead, go into another room, have a cup of warm, non-caffeinated tea and read for a few minutes.
Don’t eat too late
Pay attention to when you ate last. An important tip to remember is to have your last meal of the day no later than 7 p.m. Your brain runs the digestive system, which takes a few hours to process food and settle down for the night. The brain will not be able to settle down and prepare for sleep until the digestive system does as well.
Exercise earlier in the day
This is also important to keep in mind. When you exercise, it gives you more energy. For this reason, try to exercise earlier in the day rather than later at night. We understand that sometimes your schedule doesn’t allow for earlier exercising, but try to get a workout in before 6 p.m. to allow your body to calm down after that high intensity workout. Your body will thank you when you wake up feeling well rested.
Contact Dr. Patel at Craniofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Center to learn more about how you can improve your sleep.