As you have read already in previous blogs, sleep apnea is a disorder where your breathing is constantly interrupted while you sleep—you may wake up gasping for breath hundreds of times a night. These recurring interruptions mean your body doesn’t get the restorative rest it needs to feel refreshed each morning. Many people don’t think sleep apnea is destructive—it only makes you tired. But that is wrong. Chronic tiredness is just the tip of the iceberg and untreated sleep apnea can wreak havoc in almost every area of your life.

What is the Damage?

Constantly interrupted sleep can leave you feeling groggy and out of it. It can affect your daily performance at work or school, it can make you less adept at problem solving, and it can even affect your relationships with your partner and your children. Additionally, sleep apnea can cause a list of health complications, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Memory loss
  • Impotence

Sleep apnea can also potentially make you more likely to get in a car accident due to the amount of exhaustion you might feel from chronic sleep loss each night.

Recently, the Medical Journal of the American Academy of Neurology found that patients with sleep breathing problems such as sleep apnea, showed earlier diagnoses of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. The average patient with sleep apnea developed memory loss about 10 years earlier than patients who were better rested.

The Good News

Sleep apnea is treatable! By seeking sleep apnea treatment from Craniofacial Pain and Dental Sleep Center of Georgia, you can enjoy a deep, restful sleep once again. Sleep apnea treatment will vary from patient to patient, but a majority can receive successful treatment through oral appliance therapy.

Contact Craniofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Center of Georgia for more information on sleep apnea and why treatment is so important in maintaining optimal health.